Montag, Juli 09, 2007

Outside the literary canon

Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger schreibt in ihrem Aufsatz "Out from the Shadows: On Contempory Austrian Literature and Film created by Women", der 1999 in der Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften TRANS erschienen ist: "Outside the literary canon as well as the male-dominated avant-garde art scene, the young Nachkriegsgeneration (post WW II generation) of Austrian women writers made their debut on the literary stage, for instance Marlen Haushofer, Ilse Aichinger, Ingeborg Bachmann, Jeannie Ebner, Friederike Mayröcker, Christine Busta, and Christine Lavant. Born in the late 1910s and early 1920s and having come of age during the bitter Nazi years, these women searched for their own voice in order to effectively articulate the realities of their lives".

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